Submitting Your Own Toolbox Topic

This site flourishes because of our users' contributions. We started this site with the intention to share the efforts of safety professionals as they would develop toolbox topics and training topics for their facility and yet all that work and knowledge rarely was shared beyond the facility walls. We all have our own experiences and expertise and this site is an avenue to share them.

We highly encourage you to submit your own toolbox talks with our community. We have tried to make the process fairly easy. Here are a few tips:

  • Only registered members can submit a toolbox talk for safety file to our community.
  • Once registered, a new menu option to Submit an Article will be displayed underneath the Members menu button. Click on that to begin the submission process.
  • Ensure you have a title for your toolbox talk
  • Utilize the online editor and tools to enter your toolbox talk.
  • We would suggest composing the toolbox talk via a work processor and then pasting it into the editor interface rather than trying to compose online as each login will timeout without sufficient mouse activity on our site.
  • We would suggest limiting the photographs within your toolbox talk.
  • We would suggest limiting hyperlinks in your toolbox talk.
  • The online editor has limited formating options as these can interfere with the html code generator.
  • Ensure you pick the correct category for your topic.
  • All topics are to have public access.
  • You can fill out the Meta Description - A sentence about what the article is about and the keywords if you wish. If not we may fill them in prior to publishing.
  • Once done, click Save at the top. Your submission will be flagged for review prior to publishing.
  • We may change the formating, category, etc for your submission if needed for proper incorporation into this site.
  • If you would prefer to not have your username associated with the article, please indicate such in the first line of the article and we will change it to Submitted by Webmaster prior to publishing.


If you would rather you can simply contact us to submit articles via email. We will respond with an email address where to send you files and we would be happy to publish them for you.

One note on copyright issues. If the toolbox is not your own creation, ensure you receive permission from the author of the material prior to putting the material on our site.